Zany Zak is proud to offer our new African Tribal Collection featuring new beaded dog collars that are inspired by the rugged wilderness that is Africa. One hundred percent of the net sales will be benefiting the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya.

When a tiny newborn elephant is orphaned, often its mother and family gunned down to serve the brutal ivory trade, its life support gone; any survivors fleeing in terror; its fate now suffering and death in hopeless and lonely isolation it cannot understand. For an elephant, the family is all important; its very existence dependent upon its mother's milk for the first two years of life and a life that should span three score years and ten, equivalent to that of man. In a perfect world that elephant life would be filled with fun and joy through the companionship of friends and a close-knit and loving family, whose love is pure and unconditional all the days of its life.
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust allows you to adopt all of their nursery baby elephants. Zany Zak has adopted Jotto, one of the many baby orphaned elephants at the orphanage. Proudly this collar is named after him.